This year the HFF. picnic will be June 12th with the 13th as a rain date. Once again the Clarkes have offered their Lake Lemon lake side home for our picnic.
As always, we give the Clarkes a big shout out of thanks. We will get started at 12:00 and party until 4:00. Once again the club will provide hot dogs, buns, chips and soft drinks. Barry says the grill will be working and food ready about 12:30. Please bring a side dish and any adult beverages you may desire.

Also bring some fishing stuff…there are rumors of 1-pound bluegill in Lake Lemon.
If you are up to sharing, bring your Cicada fly to show off and catch a bunch.
Looking forward to seeing everyone in real life, email us if you have questions or need directions to the Clarks.