April 16th HFF Meeting

April 16th meeting

Well it is time for the unbridled excitement of the yearly HFF auction! Bring stuff, bring money.  Kevin will again treat us to his considerable skill as an auctioneer. His humor filled banter will free us of all that extra cash we have left over from the IU Basketball tournament tickets we didn’t need for the elite eight game.  And then there is the April 15th… no need mentioned that.

garage-saleI am including a photo of the material from last year’s auction. Please note the armed guard seated on the right. I hope we will have as much good stuff this year.  For example, I am sure one of you has an extra Sage Z-axis 9′ 9wt laying around taking up space. I for one would be happy to bid 37.50 for that, no question about that, no question at all.  There will be locally tied flies guaranteed to catch local fish.  Perhaps even some rumored to catch the rumored 1 pound Bluegill.

I have been in Bloomington for about 20 years and have never seen the Daffodils bloom that they didn’t have at least a little amount of snow on there wonderful yellowness.  However, this year has been a little over the top.  Will there be a real spring or will we just merge into drought?

Based on the pics in the 2013 Fish Gallery below, it seems at least some of the members have been catching a few fish.  Keep us posted on your early season success.  I feel sure some of the flies you will buy at the auction will increase your success.  This will be especially true if you-know-who has some of those 1 pound flies in the auction.

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See you all at the Colorado Steakhouse on Tuesday the 16th.  Dinner at 6:00 auction at 7:00.


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