All posts by MikeB

Official November Meeting 2013

Kevin Montague Digital Photography
Kevin Montague Digital Photography

Several members showed up at the Colorado Steakhouse for the monthly meeting along with a few new prospects.  Among those prospects was a young man named Rowan that had a great looking fly box and boy was he fishy. His favorite fly was a hair mouse that someone had given him. Hope to see you soon Rowan.

A short meeting was held after fellowship time and officers were elected for 2014. Tim Mather will be President, Mike Donovan will be Vice President and Program Manager, Barry Clarke will remain Treasurer.

Kevin Montague was our first speaker and he presented us with a great slide show about How to Take Better Digital Photos. Kevin also had tips on new waterproof digital cameras and getting them set to take decent photos. He also gave tips on taking effective close up photos of our flies with minimal equipment. His best advice for taking good fishing photos with inexpensive digital cameras was that we should catch bigger fish. Thanks Kevin!

Mike Donovan at The Vise
Mike Donovan Tying a Black Nosed Dace.

Mike Donovan showed us how he ties a Black Nosed Dace fly in Irish Flag colors. Mike Explained that these flies are good in our area to match the smaller minnows that are preyed upon by panfish and bass in creeks and ponds especially this time of year. Thanks for all the good information MikeD.

Our next meeting will be the Christmas Party.

Official HFF November Meeting Update

I hope you all made it through today’s weather without too much damage
and trouble.

The November HFF meeting will be Tuesday the19th at the Colorado Steakhouse.
Dinner at 6:00, program at 7:00. I hope to see you all there.

Just a snap shot reminder, our own Kevin Montague will be filling us
in on the latest in digital photography and cameras. He will also
provide tips of the great outdoor photography. As I have mentioned
before, you will need these skills for that great “grip and grin” shot
of the 14 pound Monroe Wiper or 6 pound Clear Creek Smallie. BTW, Kevin
took the pics of Mike Donovan’s flies featured below.

That is right, Mike Donovan is going to tie some classic minnow
patterns including the Mickey Finn and the ever popular and effective
Black Nose Dace. Sometimes we tend to seek new, fancy patterns at the
expense of the good old flies that do nothing more that catch fish. Is
that progress?

We will be holding elections for the new officers at this meeting. They
will assume power(?) at the Christmas party meeting. Nominees from the
floor are welcome!! There is particular interest in a new Vice
President/Program Chairman.

The Christmas Party… details will be confirmed at the November 19th meeting.
The raffle prize for the Christmas Party will be a TFO BVK 9ft, 6wt fly
rod w/hard case and an Orivs Clearwater Large Arbor Reel.


Black Nosed Dace Tied by Mike Donovan
Black Nosed Dace
Tied by Mike Donovan
Mickey Finn Fly Tied by Mike Donovan
Mickey Finn Fly
Tied by Mike Donovan