All posts by MikeB

Official November HFF Meeting

The HFF meeting will be November 19th at the Colorado Steakhouse. Dinner at
6:00 and the meeting at 7:00. Hope to see you all there.

The November 19th meeting of the HFFG will be picture perfect! I know
this to be a fact because our own Kevin Montague will present a program
on new digital cameras and tips on great outdoor photography. He will
provide good tips for that grip and grin pic if any of us ever catch a
fish worthy of recording for history.

And, if that is not enough, Mike Donovan will be tying some classic
streamer flies. These will include a Black Nose Dace and Mickey Finn.
Who knows what else he has in mind. I am sure these flies will help you
catch that fish of a lifetime and employ the photography skills we
learn from Kevin.

The Christmas party is December 12. The raffle prize this year is a TFO
BVK 6wt rod with hard case and Orvis Clearwater reel. I know several of
us are using the BVK rod and Orvis large arbor reel and find it to be
good stuff! I know we could all use another rod and reel, come to the
party, buy tickets, wish yourself luck and have fun.

There is still time for nominations for executive officers. We are
especially interested in nominations for Vice President/Program Chair.
Nominations from the floor at the meeting are in order and welcome.


October Official Meeting 2013

The excitement builds and it is not just Halloween. The first official
meeting of the HFF is October 15th at the Colorado Steakhouse,dinner at
6:00, program at 7:00.

The program this month will be as announced. Our friend Jonathan Busse
will demonstrate how to construct a furled leader. I am thinking these
will come in handy when throwing some hefty flies to the Monroe Wipers.
Speaking of Wipers, they should be showing up within casting distance
any day now. Personally I am looking forward to chasing these great
fish this fall, especially if I can manage to fix the leaks in my

The second part of the program will feature a demonstration of how to
tie the Bloomington Minnow. The fly and its un-weighted cousin have
caught a number of nice Smallmouth bass this summer and Wipers last
year. This hook point up weighted fly will be a nice thing to have
along when you are chasing the aforementioned Wipers and don’t like
throwing a sinking line.

Hope to see you all there. And by the way, dues are do, $20 for the year.


Meeting Notes

furling leaders
Jonathan Demonstrating how to furl a leader.

Several Members showed up for the first Official meeting of the season along with a few new faces. Meetings are open to anyone with an interest in fly fishing or fly tying and we invite you to join our group to gain all the benefits that our club offers. If you would like to become a member of the Hoosier Fly Fishers Group contact any of the guys on the contact page for more information.

Jonathan Busse of JL Waters Outfitters demonstrated how to make furled leaders. Several members were interested in the construction of those. Jonathan explained that many different kinds of materials could be used for leaders depending on the purpose and length of the leader. For the demonstration he used GSP Gel Spun fly tying thread to make a very durable 6 foot leader. Thanks Jonathan for sharing your knowledge with us. Jonathan is the “fly guy” at JL Waters, stop in and see him about fishing equipment and tying supplies. JL Waters is located on the west side of the square, downtown Bloomington.

Bloomington Minnow
Bloomington Minnow tied by Tim Mather

Later in the meeting Tim Mather demonstrated how to tie a Bloomington Minnow fly. Both Tim and Paul Brown have caught many good fish on these flies that imitate a Lake Monroe Shad. Tim also shared some of his fly tying secrets about materials and specialized tools. The flies looked great! Thanks Tim.

Thanks to the staff at Bobby’s Colorado Steakhouse for the great food and service we always get there. Bobby’s Colorado Steakhouse is located at 1635 North College Avenue just south of the bypass. Check the club calendar for our next meeting dates. Hope to see you there. I’m sure there will be a lot of wiper talk at the next HFF meeting.