All posts by MikeB

March 2013 Club Meeting Reminder

swallowscolorUnless you plan to celebrate St. Joseph’s Day and the return of the Swallows to San Juan Capistrano Mission, your plans should include attending the HFF March meeting. We will meet at the Colorado Steakhouse at 6:00 for food and the program at 7:00 PM.

“Each year on October 23rd, the Day of San Juan, thousands of swallows leave their mud nests at the San Juan Capistrano Mission and head south for the winter. Amazingly, the swallows return each year on March 19th, St. Joseph’s Day, and rebuild their nests for the summer.”

Granted there will few if any Swallows at the meeting (the exception being members swallowing appropriate adult beverage). However, we will roll out the new web site. And if that were not enough excitement, Kevin will provide us with the best information on the latest point-and-shoot waterproof digital cameras. Kevin has forgotten more about photography than most of us know or have ever known.

Next month is the yearly auction. You all can do two things to make this a success, one is to bring stuff, good stuff, second is to bring money, lots of money. We use the proceeds of this gala event to help defray the cost of the Christmas party, the spring cook out and programs. We used to buy books with the auction proceeds but it seems none of our members read such out dated vehicles of transferring information. Hence the web site…

See you all on the 19th,
