Category Archives: General Information

Annual Club Picnic 2015

Good afternoon,

The annual HFF picnic will be May 9th. Thanks to Barry and Susie Clarke for again hosting this fun filled event. The fun will start about

As always, the club will provide burgers, brats, buns and chips. The job for the rest of us is to bring fantastic side dishes. And, need I remind you, bring some fishin’  stuff.  I am attaching some pics
from the  last couple of years to remind everyone how much fun we will have this year.




Happy Holly Daze

Happy Holly Daze

“Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.” Babe Ruth

Well, one way or another, for better or worse, another year has slipped by. Why do the years seem to be shorter and moving faster then ever? As is always the case, I have fished as much as possible and as always,  that didn’t seem like nearly enough. I promise myself (same as last year) I will do better this coming year. I am pretty sure I will be dreaming of Smallies dancing in my head tonight.

The next meeting of our merry band of flyfishers is January 20, 2015.
Hope to see you there, new programs, new fly pattern demos, new raffle items, same old fellowship and tall tales. Again we will meet at the Colorado Steakhouse, dinner at 6:00 and the program at 7:00. Program details to follow soon.

The first Indiana Fly Fishing Expo will be Saturday Jan. 10th: 9am-5pm, Sunday Jan. 11th: 10am-4pm at the Indiana State Fairgrounds Ag-Hort Building 1202 East 38th St, Indianapolis, Indiana (  Bob Clouser will be the headline speaker. The list of other speakers is equally exciting and of course there will be fly tying demos, casting   demos, lots of warm water stuff and an impressive list of vendors.

Your 2014 Indiana State Fishing License will expire the end of March, after that you will need a 2015 Fishing License and Trout Stamp. You can purchase them both online here. ( .

State Park Passes and Boat Launch Permits are due the first of the year.  You can purchase them at any State Park Office or online at their store as well as other IDNR stuff. (

Have a good holiday and see you all on the 20th,
