Category Archives: Meetings

Meeting Information

August, September 2021 Casual Meetings

Ah yes, Indiana weather. I saw this this morning, “Heat index values up to 108 expected…” Given that this is Indiana would anyone be shocked if it snowed tomorrow by noon? Some days it makes planning fishing difficult.

On a more predictable note, the 17th is the third Tuesday of August and  the 21st is the third Tuesday of September. We will be having a casual meeting of the HFF at the America Legion Post #18 in Bloomington. We will get together at 6:00 PM for dinner and tell wonderful stories for the next several hours.  Official regular meetings of the HFF will resume in October.  Dues are due at that time for the next coming year and it will be time for annual election of HFF officers.

Again, I would ask for suggestions for the official meetings this year beginning in October. Are there any fly patterns you would like to see tied, any fishing hot spots you would like to share, any guest speakers you are interested in having talk with us? As usual we will have the raffle and some demo in addition to a regular “Official Meeting.”

Looking forward to seeing you all next Tuesday.

Stay cool,


July 2021 HFF Meeting

Good afternoon, I hope we have all had a chance to do a little fishing before all this recent rain and flooding. As always, I am interested to see what this last flood has done to Clear Creek. It is always amazing how much power moving water has to change the landscape.

Our first casual summer meeting of the year will be JULY 20th at 6:00 PM at the Bloomington American Legion Post #18. We will be back to our usual third Tuesday schedule with this meeting.  As a reminder, the “normal” HFF meeting will start on the third Tuesday
in October. Given the events of the past year or so, managing to return anything back to a “normal” schedule is an interesting concept. As always, the executive committee is looking for ideas for programs and/or tying demos are always welcome.

I will be most interested in tales of your experience with fishing the Cicada hatch. Since I will only be 95 when it comes around, I am collecting fly pattern ideas and techniques so I will be more ready next time…

Looking forward to seeing you all on July 20th to share tall tales of the past year.  Again, we will be meeting at the America Legion Post # 18 at 1800 w. 3rd St. from 6:00 PM until 9:00 PM.

See you soon,
