The February 2020 meeting will be Tuesday February 18th at the Bloomington American Legion Post #18. Items on the agenda will be a meal at 6PM, Business meeting and discussions at 7PM, and the program for the night will be fly tying demos. HFF will feature three different tying stations with members tying various flies. One of the members might be tying One Pound Bluegill flies. A club raffle will follow the tying demos.

Anyone interested in fly fishing or fly tying is welcome to attend. There seems to be increased interest in fly tying and this would be a good time to come see what it’s all about. More fly tying demos and maybe even tying classes will be scheduled in the future, so stay tuned. Hope to see you there.
Upcoming meetings: Project Healing Waters, Annual Club Auction with Kernal Kevin, and the club picnic.