The first Officially Official meeting of the Fall was a great success with several members attending along with a couple of new faces. Thanks to Bobby’s Colorado Steakhouse for the great food, service and hospitality. It’s always a good time there, check them out sometime.

The speaker for the night was Larry Barber and he gave a very detailed sketch of his recent fly fishing trip to Montana. Larry presented specific information on the trip, lodging, and places that he fished. He had a wonderful week long trip and shared some pictures of the wonderful scenery and the big fish that he caught. What a great destination for anyone wanting to fly fish some truly good waters.

Mike Donovan, program director for the club gave a demonstration on tying late fall flies for big bluegills. Mike always does a good job of explaining his tying methods and how to fish his flies. Mike tied a tri-color streamer and a Micky Finn both in size 12 for late fall one pound bluegills. Everybody wanted some of those flies.
Other things discussed at the meeting were, bobbers, bait cans, Irish Flags, two dollar drafts, clouser minnows, bamboo rods, Tim’s to-do list, and wipers on Lake Monroe.
HFF meetings are always very informal and anyone with an interest in fly fishing or fly tying is welcome to attend. Check the calendar for upcoming meeting times and drop in to see what Hoosier Fly Fishers is all about.