Category Archives: Meetings

Meeting Information

Official Unofficial September Meeting

The next official unofficial meeting will be Tuesday September 16th.

The October meeting will be the first Officially Official meeting of
the year. With that in mind, I hope to see you at the Colorado
Steakhouse at the 6:00 on Tuesday the 16th of September.

While I know this is an unofficial meeting and doesn’t have a program,  our friend Mike B. and I were talking about our 10 or even 5 favorite Smallmouth flies for the local streams. We would be very interested in a show and tell of your faves. To add to the fun, how about if you only could use one fly, what would it be? And, as neither of us is capable of linear thinking (or any clear thinking for that matter), the topic switched to what rod is best. Your ideas…

As is always the case, we are interested in ideas for programs of the
coming meetings. It is highly likely that one program will be devoted
to fly tying. What would you like to see? Someone in the club can tie
that fly and will be most happy to provide a step by step demo at a

So, see your all at the Colorado Steakhouse on September the 16th at 6:00 for dinner and conversation that is sure to lead to at least one epiphany fly fishing wise.

See you then and there,


UnOfficial August Meeting

The next official unofficial meeting will be August 19th at the
Colorado Steakhouse. We will start with dinner at 6:00 and spend the evening spreading tall tales and tiny bits of wisdom.

I am sure that Mike Donovan would like any program ideas you may have for this year’s meetings. For instance, suggestions of flies you would like to see tied, as always, I assure you someone in the club knows how to tie that pattern.

Hope to see you all on Tuesday, August 19th at he Colorado Steakhouse at 6:00.  If you are not an HFF member but have an interest in fly fishing, come on out and join us for the evening. We would be glad to meet you!
