The January meeting of the Hoosier Flyfishers will be on the 21st at
the Colorado Steakhouse, Dinner at 6:00, Program at 7:00. The program will be all about fly rods. Barry Clarke will tell us how to build them, selecting components, picking a good one off the rack. I sometimes wonder what piece of equipment is most important, the rod, the reel, the line, the leader, the tippet or the fly. Maybe it is the balance between all of these things. I know some fisherpersons will choose the smallest rod and lightest tippet…for the “fight” you know. Personally, I go for the largest effective tippet. I think it gives catch and release a better change of success. I mean, don’t play the fish to death!
Rod, reel, line, leader and tippet… there is one more piece in this picture, the Fly. To cover that last bit of a successful rig is the fly and Mike Donovan will tie a woven body nymph pattern. I have seen one of these flies Mike tied and I am impressed. Don’t miss this program.
How are we all coming on the New Year’s resolutions? I still have 346 days left to get my 100 days of fishing in 2014. Things are still
looking good.

I have been enjoying the Warm Water Chronicles web site. Among other things of interest is the fly tying tips Ian Anderson posts every Monday. That is 52 tying tips this year!
It won’t be long before there will be some 2014 fish in the gallery.
Hope to see you all Tuesday at the Colorado Steakhouse.