Fly Tying Feb 08, 2014

glass beaded nymph
Tied by Mike Donovan
A few members braved the elements and joined together at JL Waters in downtown Bloomington for a couple of hours of fly tying. This was the first of the fly tying meetings to be held on various Saturdays during the year. Check the meetings notes or the HFF Calendar to see when the next fly tying event will be held. Four fly tyers along with 3 visitors met in the downstairs space that JL Waters now has set up for meetings like this. Tables, chairs and some lighting were available for us to use and I think it will be set up better for the next event.

Tim M and Mike B worked on tying some deer hair bugs while Dick Powell showed how his rotary vise worked with dubbing loops and Mike Donovan tied some glass beaded nymphs. Kevin M came in later and took a few photos for us. Check the gallery below, thanks Kevin.

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