Hoosier Fly Fishers Christmas Meeting and Party

I’m looking forward to the Hoosier Fly Fishers Annual Christmas Party on December 10, 2017! It will be at the Colorado Steakhouse again this year, starting about 11:00.  The club will provide the meal and nonalcoholic drinks for members. For those of us who may be interested in a seasonally appropriate adult beverage, we are on our own for that…

The raffle prize this year will be an Orvis access 2 mid arbor reel for 6 wt. line and a Temple Forks Outfitters 7 ft. two-piece brush rod for a 5 or 6 wt. line. This is the outfit Larry Barber brought to the November meeting and if I may say so, this is one sweet outfit.

If you haven’t paid your membership dues, now would be a good time to do it.

Looking forward to seeing all of you on December 10th at the Colorado Steakhouse for the Annual HFF Christmas Party!



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