The November meeting went very well with several members present. As always Bobby’s Colorado Steak House took very good care of us and the food was wonderful.
The highlight of the evening was the First HFF Fly Tying Challenge, something new for the club, that was created and organized by members Paul Brown and Larry Barber. It was a fun event for participants and spectators as well. Many thanks to this event’s sponsor, Larry Barber, who made the first HFF Fly Tying Challenge a big success.
Basically the challenge consisted of members bringing their fly tying tools to the event and without prior knowledge of the fly they are to tie they are supplied with hooks, and all materials they will need to tie a predetermined fly pattern. Participants could choose to tie one or two flies, one for fish appeal and one for people appeal. Almost everyone attempted to tie two flies in the allotted time. Everyone present got to vote for their favorite flies. Each category winner was awarded a prize.
The fly for this Challenge was the Adams, probably the most popular dry fly in use today. In a variety of sizes, it belongs in everyone’s fly box. All materials were supplied by event sponsor Larry Barber. Larry also supplied, from his own collection, prizes for the winning flies. The prizes were beautiful original HL Leonard landing nets. In the Fish Category, Barry Clarke tied the winning Adams and in the People Category Mark Fuller tied the winning fly. Everyone had fun with the Challenge and thanks again to Larry for making it a big success. I expect there will be more Challenges for the club in the future.
Check out the pictures below, Larry Brown attempted to tie the Adams with out tools and Charlie Shaw used a vise he crafted himself.
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