Well, it is the time. The first official meeting of the Hoosier Fly Fishers this fall will be Tuesday October 19th.
As usual we will meet at the American Legion. Dinner will be at 6:00PM and the program will start at 7:00PM. The special of the day at the Legion will be fried chicken but the menu will be open for other choices.
It will be an interesting and busy first meeting. We will be accepting nominations from the floor for officers for the next year. This includes President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Conservation Officer. The election will be at the November meeting with those elected taking office at the Christmas Party. We will have a quick general discussion and talk about the best five flies for a given species. And, dues are due…$20.00 for the year.
The program this month will feature Ryan Houpt from JLWaters talking with us about the retail side of fly fishing. He will discuss such matters as how to decide what flies and equipment to order, some current supply difficulties and how they can better serve their customers (us). BTW, JLWaters gives HFF members a 10% discount.

Mike Donovan will treat us with a tying demo for the Perdigon Nymph fly. It is always fun and informative to watch our skilled members tie flies and answer questions about the process and materials. We are always looking for suggestions for patterns or techniques you would like to see tied. Don’t forget we are interested in suggestions for the five best patterns for a given species. Last but not least, the raffle. As always lots of good and useful stuff in the raffle.
So, the first official meeting of the Hoosier Fly Fishers will be October 19th starting with dinner at 6:00 at the American Legion Post at 1800 W. 3rd Street, Bloomington. Meetings are always open to anyone interested in Fly Tying or Fly Fishing. Looking forward to see you all there.
Go fishing,