HFF January Meeting of 2023

Well, here we go, time for the first Hoosier Fly Fisher meeting of 2023. Greeted as usual by Indiana’s consistent weather, that is consistently changing.  Again this year we will be meeting on the third Tuesday of the month at the American Legion. Dinner at 6:00 and program at 7:00.

The program this month will be a “tie-a-thon.” That is to say there will be three of our members tying flies for your enjoyment and education. Charlie Shaw will be tying a Mop Fly. He has reported that he recently caught an 11” largemouth “just over the edge of the ice” at that place on Lake Monroe that no one names but everyone  knows about.  Mike Donovan will be at last report tying a TBD fly. Not sure what pattern that is but it may stand for the “Terrific Bluegill Destroyer.”  And lastly, I will be tying a Lefty’s Deceiver, a good pattern to chase some of those Wipers this spring. As always, we encourage questions during these demos. And, also as always, we are looking for suggestions for future programs.

Tim Mather Lake Monroe Wiper
Tim Mather Lake Monroe Wiper

See you all at the Legion on Tuesday the 17th. Dinner at 6:00 and the program at 7:00.  Bring a few bucks for the raffle and a story or two to share.  Stay warm and dry or whatever the weather requires,


HFF Christmas Party 2022

I hope enough time has passed since Thanksgiving to start thinking about food again. However, it is time again because the Hoosier Fly Fishers annual Christmas Party is coming up this December 10th! And again, this year we will be having the gala event at the Red Lobster here in Bloomington. The fun will begin at 11:00 AM and continue ‘til 1:00 PM. This year the raffle prize will be an 8 ft. 7 wt. rod, reel with line and a spare spool. This rod was built by our own Brandon Hudson on the last of the club owned rod blanks…what a deal! Each paid member and their wife or significant other will each receive $20 gift card to cover the meal. Looking forward to seeing everyone for this fun filled send off to the Holiday Season. Lastly, club members please RSVP to Barry Clarke so we know how many to expect. For more info check the website calendar or email us here.

Stay warm,



Located in Bloomington, Indiana © 2024