HFF Monthly Meeting October 2022

Project Healing Waters

We are really looking forward to the October 18th HFF meeting.  As  usual we will meet at 6:00 for dinner and the program will start at 7:00. This month we have a terrific program. We will be hosting  a presentation  by Joe Smith about Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing and the important work they are doing for our veterans.

Before this evenings  program we will be  having a brief business meeting. Kevin will bring us up to date on the Volunteer Work Day at Yellowwood Lake State Forest on November 5th. The plan is to clear some of the shoreline of two fishing jetties to restore or improve access for fishing.

Barb Hatton will briefly discuss the up coming Casting for Recovery program.

We will be presenting the Slate of Officers for next year. This includes:
President– Charlie Shaw
Vice President-Program- Mike Donovan
Newsletter- Tim Mather
Treasurer– Barb Hatton

Please feel free to nominate from the floor. If none is made we will move to elect as stated.

After this brief business meeting there will be a short break during which you may buy some tickets for the raffle at the end of the meeting and/or  to pay annual dues.

After the short break we will get on with the real interesting and important part of the meeting. Joe Smith will be  talking to us about Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing and the important work they do for our veterans. Looking forward to understanding the role fly fishing has in and is helping veterans and how we may help. We will have two additional guests with us for the meeting. Two American Legion Commanders from adjacent counties will be joining us for the evening. 

As always, we will meet at 6:00 for dinner with the program starting at 7:00. Looking forward to seeing you all there,


HFF Monthly Meeting September 2022

Hope the summer went well for you and you managed to get out for some successful fishing and perhaps even a little successful catching!

I am sitting here watching the first Thursday Night Football game of the year. I am assuming that indicates that winter is sneaking up on us and it is time to think about storing some of your warm months tackle and equipment. As fate would have it, the September 20 program is all about how to clean and safely store you summer tackle.  However, don’t put at least one rod out of easy reach as the Wiper season is just around the corner and the second part of the program will be a demo of some Wiper flies.

The October 18th meeting will be a presentation about Healing Waters Fly Fishing by Joe Smith. In November we will be having a program featuring Casting for Recovery. Look for more information on both these programs in the near future. In the meantime, a big shout out of thanks to Barbara Hatton for creating  a Hoosier Fly Fishers Facebook page with really nice poster advertising the Healing Waters Fly Fishing Program. Check out the page!!

As always we will open the meeting with a round table discussion and there will be a raffle. It is also time to start thinking about officers for next year. The election will be in November. 

Looking forward to seeing everyone on September 20th.  Dinner at 6:00 and the program at 7:00. Don’t forget to check out the new Hoosier Fly Fishers Facebook page.

See you all on the 20th,


Located in Bloomington, Indiana © 2024