HFF November 2022 Events

The weather is looking good for a week or so of early November fishing. There are rumors of some folks catching Wipers at Lake Monroe. Don’t miss the chance to catch a nice Wiper or two or three or more if you hit a school of 5 pounders. That is something you will not forget!

Given the extremely high chances of rain for tomorrow Nov 5, we are rescheduling the Yellowwood Clean Up.
It is important we remember the rain date is next Saturday, November 12th.  We will be meeting next Saturday at the Yellowwood Lake office parking lot at 10:00. We will be working on clearing up two jetties and some other shoreline to make them more fishing friendly. Many of us know Yellowwood as a favorite local fly fishing site and here is a chance to return the favor. Hope to see you all there this coming Saturday at the park office at 10:00. And BTW bring a rod…

The November 15th meeting again promises to be an exciting and informative event. The main event will be a program focusing on Casting For Recovery.  As always we will have  club news,  a raffle and time allowing, a fly tying demo of some Wiper flies.

Stay tuned for more details of the November 15th meeting. And, by all means try to catch a few Wipers out at Monroe.

See you all on November 12th at Yellowwood and the 15th at the regular meeting. Dinner at 6:00 and program at 7:00.

Tight lines,


HFF Monthly Meeting October 2022

Project Healing Waters

We are really looking forward to the October 18th HFF meeting.  As  usual we will meet at 6:00 for dinner and the program will start at 7:00. This month we have a terrific program. We will be hosting  a presentation  by Joe Smith about Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing and the important work they are doing for our veterans.

Before this evenings  program we will be  having a brief business meeting. Kevin will bring us up to date on the Volunteer Work Day at Yellowwood Lake State Forest on November 5th. The plan is to clear some of the shoreline of two fishing jetties to restore or improve access for fishing.

Barb Hatton will briefly discuss the up coming Casting for Recovery program.

We will be presenting the Slate of Officers for next year. This includes:
President– Charlie Shaw
Vice President-Program- Mike Donovan
Newsletter- Tim Mather
Treasurer– Barb Hatton

Please feel free to nominate from the floor. If none is made we will move to elect as stated.

After this brief business meeting there will be a short break during which you may buy some tickets for the raffle at the end of the meeting and/or  to pay annual dues.

After the short break we will get on with the real interesting and important part of the meeting. Joe Smith will be  talking to us about Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing and the important work they do for our veterans. Looking forward to understanding the role fly fishing has in and is helping veterans and how we may help. We will have two additional guests with us for the meeting. Two American Legion Commanders from adjacent counties will be joining us for the evening. 

As always, we will meet at 6:00 for dinner with the program starting at 7:00. Looking forward to seeing you all there,


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