February HFF Meeting

Just a reminder of the February 21st HFF meeting. As usual, we will meet at the Colorado Steakhouse at 6:00 for dinner and the program will begin at 7:00. The program this month will be our friend Rex Waters of IDNR telling us about public access to fishable waters in the area. 

 Our own Paul “Go Big or Go Home” Brown will demonstrate a new streamer pattern…the “Goldie” (http://eastern-fly-fishing.myshopify.com/blogs/departments/93002887-goldie).

I think this is a good looking fly and given the weather for the next few days, my guess is that it might just see some local water.

Here is a picture of some of Paul’s color variations on this fly.

Goldie Fly Tied by Go Big or Go Home PaulB
Goldie Fly Tied by Go Big or Go Home PaulB

Check out the HFF Calendar for the schedule for the rest of the year. Good stuff coming up.

Take advantage of the great weather and try a little fishing.

See you all Tuesday, food, fun and information!


Meeting Update:

Dick Powell and Rex Watters
Dick Powell and Rex Watters

We had a big turnout for the February meeting with several members attending along with a few new faces. Rex Watters gave a quick review of all the public access locations in and around Monroe Lake and it’s properties. Very nice maps were handed out to those who were present. I think everyone will be finding some new “honey holes”

Paul Brown at the vise
Paul Brown at the vise

HFF Member Paul Brown gave a fly tying demonstration on tying the “Goldie” fly. Paul always does a great job of explaining the details when tying and ties very nice flys. Thanks Paul for another great “Go Big or Go Home” pattern. 

As always HFF meetings are open to the public.  We welcome anyone interested in fly fishing,  the club, or any of our programs.

FISH REPORT: Ok I am confused, it’s February? Right? 70 degrees?  Fish are confused too, I think.  Look for warmer water, fish are moving and you can find them fairly shallow now. I’ve not had any good local creek reports yet but that will change I am sure if the weather stays warm. Small ponds and lakes are warmed up and should be good now.  Lake temperatures are ranging from 46 degrees up to 60 in the shallows. I’ve had good crappie, bluegill and bass reports even from Northern Indiana so, get out and fish a little, the sun will do you good.

More about the upcoming Great Waters Fly Fishing Expo can be found here.

Great Waters Fly Fishing Expo

Spring 2017 meetings

The next meeting of the HFF will be on February 21st.  As usual, we will meet at the Colorado Steakhouse at 6:00 for dinner and the program will begin at 7:00. The program this month will be our friend Rex Waters of IDNR telling us about public access to fishable waters in the area.  Reports have it that many of these will be relatively little known, little fished spots. Rex will also have a map of these sites which will be available to members.  I am looking forward to exploring some of these waters this season!

The March 21st meeting will be the Colorado Steakhouse Chef Steve showing us how to flay fish.  Chef Steve says he likes us as friends of the Colorado Steakhouse and that he will also treat us to a free walleye fish dinner!  Steve is an avid Bluegill fisherman and I think it would be great if he left the meeting with dozens of our best bluegill flies. Tie some up!

The April 18th meeting will be the annual auction.  Once again the auction will be called by our own Kernal Kevin Montague. So, gather up some really good stuff you can live without to donate to the auction and set aside a few extra bucks to buy all the stuff you can’t live without.

The Annual HFF Picnic will be in May, either the 6th or 7th.  More on the gala event later. Thanks again to the Clarkes for hosting this event.

Finally, don’t forget the 2nd Annual Great American Fly Fishing Expo at the State Fairgrounds. in Indianapolis. The Great American Fly Fishing Expo has been merged into Tackle Town USA at the Ford Indianapolis Boat, Sport & Travel Show. Tackle Town USA is a 70,000 square foot, all things fishing related building, filled with everything a fisherman needs or dreams of owning. For more information on the show, please contact Mitch Renfro at (765) 400-5004

Have a great day,


FISH REPORT: 60 degrees and rain at Lake Monroe today. Fish will still bite if you can find them. Warm rain flowing in might make them hungry. February fish are hard to come by but a few anglers have caught a few fish. Smaller flies, slow retrieves and patience, lots of patience, might pay off.

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