March 2024 HFF Meeting

The next meeting of the Hoosier Fly Fishers will be March 19th.  As always, we will meet at the American Legion on 3rd street. Dinner at 6:00 and th program will start at 7:00.

There are interesting and fun filled events coming up in the near future.  Coming events are:

The April 16th meeting will be the Annual Auction. Once again we are lucky to have Kernal Kevin and his dulcet tones calling the auction. So round up some wonderful outdoor related items to give Kevin something to work with. This will be a good chance to “pass on” some of that stuff you couldn’t do without and replace it with some things you really need. Bring good stuff to sell and a few bucks to spend. It is always a great time.

The thing you should make note of is that the annual picnic will be May 11th. Once again the Clarkes have offered their home on Lake Lemon. We will get started about 11:00. More details to follow…great fun to look forward to food, fishing, and fellowship.

And now the March meeting… The program will be Kyle Swafford talking about legal access to waters in Indiana. This came up during a discussion   about what are navigable waters and where we can and cannot wade and fish. Kyle is researching with current Indiana laws on such matters. This will be informative. 

Also, Kevin Montague will be running us through the best ways to get our fishing stuff in working order so we can fish all these places we will know are legal. We should be all set with clean rods and reels and all the neat stuff we bought at the auction. 

Jasper Osmon will be doing the tying demo for March. I am not sure which pattern he will be tying but am sure that all the materials he will be using will come from JLWaters. I a looking forward to watching Jasper tie and we will have a new fly pattern to fish on the clean rods in the legal waters. This certainly looks like a fun filled and informative meeting.

Looking forward to see you all at the Legion on the 19th. Dinner at 6:00 and the program at 7:00.

Stay warm or cool or dry whatever weather Indiana treats us with this”spring”

See you then and there,


February 2024 HFF Meeting

The next meeting of the HFF will be on February 20th. Again we will meet at the American Legion. Dinner at 6:00 and program at 7:00. 

The program this month will be ”Whats My Line” a presentation lead by Kyle Swafford. The program will cover the basics of choosing a fly rod and line to go with it. We will cover some of the types of rods/lines you can choose from and how to choose the right line for your rod and situation you are fishing in. We will also cover how to properly balance a fly rod and reel. This program will have information for both beginners and experienced fly fisherman. One question I have is when does one over weigh the line relative to the rod?

Again this month we will be treated to a fly tying demo by Mike Donovan. Mike will be tying Whitlock’s Red Fox Squirrel Tail Nymph. There are some Bluegills waiting out here for these little buggers (maybe even a trout or two). We will be having a bit of a discussion on the idea of a tying  class, advanced or beginning or one of each…

Have you ever considered how much Football and fishing are the same? I mean if you catch a good one at the takeout point, it has been a good day.

Don’t forget March 31st your fishing license is due for renewal.

Happy Valentine’s Day and stay warm,


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