Hot Dogs, Snails, Tennis Balls, and Barbie Poles!

If you didn’t make it to the Annual HFF Picnic you missed a very good time. Even though the weather was a little chilly the turn out was good with over 20 brave souls attending. Some really good food was served up and once again Chef Barry cooked up some of the most delicious burgers and hot dogs. The early entertainment was Buddy and his tennis ball, he was a real treat and made sure everyone had to wash their hands before they ate. He was also the only one brave enough to go wading. After the great meal, many lies er stories were shared as well as flys, tying materials and techniques. Some of the members fished a little and some caught fish while others got some great tips on casting. The cutest and most special Angler Award goes to little Ella Mae and her Barbie Pole. Her form was perfect and cuteness factor was a 10! I think everyone had a good time and the fun and fellowship was the best. Thanks to the Clarkes for opening their home to us once again for the picnic, it was GREAT!.
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