Annual HFF Picnic 2023

It is time for the annual HFF picnic. This year it will be on June 3rd. And again, Susie and Barry Clarke have generously offered to host us at their Lake Lemon home. We will get started at 11:00ish and eat about 12:30. As always, the club will provide burgers, hot dogs, buns, chip sand some drinks. If you wish an “appropriate adult beverage” that is up to you. You all will bring your typical outstanding side dishes. So that we will have enough burgers and dogs. please let Barry know if you are planning on joining us for the fun…

Here is a thought…The Clarke’s house is at Lake Lemon…Lakes have water and water has fish and we catch fish…if only there was  a good Bluegill fly  for Lake Lemon…

Looking forward to seeing everyone on June 3rd for yet another fun filled picnic and perhaps even a few 1 lb. Bluegill to brag about.  Bring a rod and stuff………….Tim

A few pictures of fun stuff at previous HFF picnics.

HFF Meeting April 2023

Tax Day has been extended until April 18th.  However, let me make a suggestion for something much more fun…The April meeting of the HFF!!! Hope you all have had a chance to cast a few of those flies you bought at last month’s auction. As always ,we will meet at the Legion, dinner at  6:00 program at 7:00.

The program this month will be a presentation by Howard Webb and Maggie Sullivan- of Friends of Lake Monroe. They will be discussing the sediment issues at Monroe Lake and the causes and cures.  They will be referring to work the HFF has done in the past at Yellowwood Lake.  Larry Barber will give a little background on our work there concerning sediment. These two local bodies of water are most important to our fishing and boating pleasure. A club goal is to stay informed about the conditions of our lakes and to provide help in mitigating problems when possible.

UPDATE: The Auction was a large success. The club was able to donate $400 to both Project Healing Waters and Casting for Recovery from the proceeds of the auction.  The Club also donated $250 to the Legion for the use of the Blue Room and their generous friendship of the Club. The Legion donated the money to the Operation Comfort Warriors.

There will be information about the advanced fly-tying class coming up soon. The list of flies Mike Donovan  has made to be studied is impressive and should cover any fish that swims. The techniques learned to tie these flies will open many fly-tying doors. BTW, those doors tend to lead down rabbit holes.  Larry will have information on the fly rod blanks and hardware the club has available.

We will be treated to a fly-tying demo by Liz Burleson. I am sure you all noted the little beauties she donated to the auction. Now you can learn how to tie these and no Bluegill will be able to refuse your offering.

The May meeting will be the Annual Picnic. Again, the Clarkes have offered their Lake Lemon home for the picnic.  Food, fishing, and fun as usual. Please note the Picnic will be on JUNE 3rd. More information on that coming soon.

Hope to see you all there on April 18th. Use the weather to do a little fishing.

Tight lines, Tim


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