Tag Archives: American Legion Post 18

February 2024 HFF Meeting

The next meeting of the HFF will be on February 20th. Again we will meet at the American Legion. Dinner at 6:00 and program at 7:00. 

The program this month will be ”Whats My Line” a presentation lead by Kyle Swafford. The program will cover the basics of choosing a fly rod and line to go with it. We will cover some of the types of rods/lines you can choose from and how to choose the right line for your rod and situation you are fishing in. We will also cover how to properly balance a fly rod and reel. This program will have information for both beginners and experienced fly fisherman. One question I have is when does one over weigh the line relative to the rod?

Again this month we will be treated to a fly tying demo by Mike Donovan. Mike will be tying Whitlock’s Red Fox Squirrel Tail Nymph. There are some Bluegills waiting out here for these little buggers (maybe even a trout or two). We will be having a bit of a discussion on the idea of a tying  class, advanced or beginning or one of each…

Have you ever considered how much Football and fishing are the same? I mean if you catch a good one at the takeout point, it has been a good day.

Don’t forget March 31st your fishing license is due for renewal.

Happy Valentine’s Day and stay warm,
