A reminder that the HFF fly tying demo will be this coming Tuesday, February 27th at the Colorado Steakhouse. We will get started with a bit of diner at 6:00 and then on to the demos/hands-on tying.
We are trying something a little different this time. There will be three tiers each tying a fly pattern and then turning over the materials and tools to someone else to try. This time we will be tying three patterns; a Clouser Deep Minnow, a Wooly Bugger and a Rubber Spider. We have chosen these patterns because they all work well in our local waters and the techniques involved may be applied to many other patterns. For example, I will be tying a Clouser Minnow and will show at least half a dozen patterns variation that employ the basic technique.
We are really looking forward to any and all feedback on these sessions.
We will be doing another session on March 6th, same time same place.
Hope to see you there,