Tag Archives: fly fishing

HFF Monthly Meeting September 2022

Hope the summer went well for you and you managed to get out for some successful fishing and perhaps even a little successful catching!

I am sitting here watching the first Thursday Night Football game of the year. I am assuming that indicates that winter is sneaking up on us and it is time to think about storing some of your warm months tackle and equipment. As fate would have it, the September 20 program is all about how to clean and safely store you summer tackle.  However, don’t put at least one rod out of easy reach as the Wiper season is just around the corner and the second part of the program will be a demo of some Wiper flies.

The October 18th meeting will be a presentation about Healing Waters Fly Fishing by Joe Smith. In November we will be having a program featuring Casting for Recovery. Look for more information on both these programs in the near future. In the meantime, a big shout out of thanks to Barbara Hatton for creating  a Hoosier Fly Fishers Facebook page with really nice poster advertising the Healing Waters Fly Fishing Program. Check out the page!!

As always we will open the meeting with a round table discussion and there will be a raffle. It is also time to start thinking about officers for next year. The election will be in November. 

Looking forward to seeing everyone on September 20th.  Dinner at 6:00 and the program at 7:00. Don’t forget to check out the new Hoosier Fly Fishers Facebook page.

See you all on the 20th,


Annual HFF Members Picnic May 21st 2022

Time once again for one of highlights of the year, the HFF annual picnic!! And, once again, the Clarke’s have generously offered their Lake Lemon home as the site for the picnic. This year the picnic will be May 21st.  The fun will start about 11:00 with food at 12:00.  The club will provide burgers, buns, chips and soft drinks. If you want adult beverages, you will have to bring those. Please bring a side dish to share… I have the chocolate cake business covered. Again, many thanks to the Clarke’s for their generosity!

Please note that Lake Lemon is in the back yard and this would be an excellent time and place to try out all the first-class tackle and flies you bought at the auction. Who knows, there may even have been some flies noted for catching Bluegills in local water.

Another thing to note is that the HFF will be having “Official Meetings” this summer.  Usually we have had “unofficial meetings”, that is there would not be a “real” program for the meeting, just eat dinner and tell fishing lies stories. This summer we will be having programs for the meeting and still eat, drink and tell stories.  As always, we look for suggestions for program or demos. Please stay tuned for details of up-coming meetings. Rumor has it that there may well be a demo on tying a feather Game Changer fly in July.

Hope to see you all at the picnic on May 21st. Claims of 1-pound Bluegills taken from Lake Lemon during the picnic will be carefully weighted by the Executive Committee and the successful fly will be confiscated for our personal future use…

See you there,  Tim