Tag Archives: fly fishing

2021 Outlook.

Weather is improving, waters are moving, and it is beginning to look like Spring near Bloomington. Fish have been biting in the creeks and lakes with sunny day water temps in the lower to mid 50’s. Go fish if you can, just stay safe, we are not out of this pandemic yet. 

There is no good news yet from the Club but there has been some discussion on planning a meeting sometime soon. Check back here to see when and if anything  like safe meetings or outings can be planned.

On a high note, I have heard, from someone with good authority, that JL Waters on the Square in downtown Bloomington has recently expanded and restocked their shelves and pegboards with “tons” of good stuff for fly fishers. Better hurry down there before it’s all gone. Wear a mask! 

March 2019 HFF Meeting

The next meeting of the HFF will be March 19th at the Red Lobster. As usual we will meet at 6:00 PM for dinner and the program will begin at 7:00 PM. Our program this month will be a presentation by Dr. Ranjan Muthukrishnan on invasive aquatic species. I am sure this is an important and relevant topic for those of us who use and enjoy the outdoors. If time allows after the discussion, we will have a tying demonstration.

The April meeting will be at another new site, the Bloomington West Side American Legion. The program will be the annual auction. We ask the members to bring fishing/outdoor activities related items for the auction. Once again, we will have the pleasure of watching and listening to our own Kevin Montague show off his auctioneer skills.

The May meeting will be the annual Hoosier Fly Fishers picnic. Again, we thank the Clarke’s for their generous offer of their lakeside home for the picnic site. The tentative date is May 4th. Details and directions to follow. By all means bring a fly rod! I am including a picture of a typical Lake Lemon Bluegill.
See you at the Red Lobster on the 19th.











If you fish Lake Monroe Tail Water you need to check the new 2019 Indiana Fish Consumption Advisory Map. Zoom in on Salt Creek below Lake Monroe Dam and click the RED line that represents Salt Creek.

2019 Indiana State Department of Health Fish Consumption Advisory Map