Normally the month of May marks warmer weather, plentiful hatches and good fishing. The constant inconsistent weather patterns this Spring has me all confused on how to dress for fishing, neos, lightweights or buff. Some days I am wearing my winter buff and some days no buff at all.
One thing you can always depend on is the Annual HFF Picnic. You can’t beat great food, fellowship, fish tales, a great location along with a little fly fishing. If you top all that off with a piece of TimMs chocolate cake you have a perfect day. Once again this year Barry Clarke will be hosting the club picnic on May 14th, members and guests should arrive around 11:00 ish. Club Members can check the forums for more information, be sure and send an email to Barry to let him know how many are coming. Hopefully it will be a no buff day.
HFF Club member, Roger Daily , has been traveling about and fly fishing a lot of different places. Early this month he ventured South to Jamestown, Kentucky for the opening of a new trout stream and he sent in this report:

“The Cumberland River is a well known and long established cold water fishery supplied by low level discharge and power generation from Lake Cumberland. The fishery starts at the Wolf Creek Dam and goes downstream for several miles (30-40). The river has a very large population of trout (rainbow, brown, brook) , walleye and stripped bass. Fishing the river can be frustrating because of power generation and large flow rates. There is also a fish hatchery near the dam. For years the hatchery discharge was into a ditch that ran 1/4 mile and dumped into the main river. A couple of years ago, they started a project to replace the ditch with a “stream”. The stream is now done and exceeds expectations. They have not done any stocking on the stream. However, it is loaded with fish. Loaded with large fish. The average fish in the stream is larger and more robust than the average fish in the river. We averaged 15 per four hours of fishing and the fish had to average over 15″. If you have an interest in some high quality cold water stream fishing, this is the place to go.”
Check out the video about the new Kentucky stream, what a great project it was! Congratulations Kentucky on a job well done. New Kentucky Trout Stream