Tag Archives: fly fishing

HFF Annual Christmas Party

A reminder…The annual Christmas Party will be December 13th at the Colorado Steakhouse. We will get started at 12:00 noon.

As is always the case, the food, coffee and soft drinks will be provided by the club.  However, if you want or need a seasonally appropriate adult beverage, that is on your dime.  And there will be usual excitement surrounding the raffle prize. That prize is yet to be determined but I do know it will not be a bowling ball or set of golf clubs. Rather, I would look for some much coveted fly fishing gear.

If you have not paid your dues, this would be a good time…pay dues, get a free meal. I doubt there is a better deal around.

Looking ahead to the April meeting…that will be our annual auction. So I am planning to round up some good stuff for the auction and try to round up a few dollars to take home some of the cool stuff you all bring to the auction.  Once again we will be treated to the dulcet voice and clever rapid fire patter of our own Kevin Montague.

Looking forward to seeing you all at the HFF annual Christmas party on December 13th at the Colorado Steakhouse.


Fish Report: fish are still biting at double secret Honey Hole locations on flies of appropriate size and color. Just slow things down a bit for some December action.

September HFF Meeting

Officially the last unofficial summer meeting of the HFF will be this coming Tuesday, September 15, at the Colorado Steakhouse at 6:00 P.M.  Looking forward to wild tales of successful summer fishing, I for one, need to hear that at least someone had a good summer on the water.

Speaking of water, we sure had more than enough this summer!
Lake Monroe is finally back to regular pool after being up 11.6 feet. I am holding out for good fall Wiper season.

Some news… Streamer patterns will be the featured tying demonstrations this year.

As always, we look for suggestions of patterns you would like to see and certainly looking for anyone who would like to demo their favorite pattern.

The first official meeting will be Tuesday, October 20th. Join us for the fun; dinner at 6:00 P.M. and the program will start at 7:00 P.M. Stay tuned for information about the October program.

Please save Sunday December 13th for our annual Christmas party. The fun will begin at 12:00. Details to follow soon.

Is anyone interest in fly tying classes? Please let me know if you or anyone you know would be interested in either a beginning or advanced classes.

Again, join us on Tuesday September 15 at the Colorado Steakhouse at 6:00 P.M. for the last summer meeting.
