Tag Archives: fly fishing

April Meeting

Tim M and Mike Exl
Tim M and Mike Exl

Spring is here and I think just the notion of better weather has everyone excited about fishing and the guest speaker for the month, Mike Exl from Wildcat Creek outfitters. Mike presented a great program about year-round fishing for smallmouth bass. Location, location, location seemed to be the key to success along with the correct presentation for the time of year.  If you missed the meeting, then you will not likely be catching lots of big smallmouth this year!  Mike also guides for smallmouth in central Indiana and knows where the best locations are for big smallies. If you fish with him, I’m sure he will clue you in on the best places and techniques for catching big fish. Check out Wildcat Creek Outfitters in Zionsville for more information.

H and L Variant
H and L Variant

Barry Clarke was the featured fly tier this month. As always Barry did a great job tying the H and L Variant, an old traditional dry fly.  Barry always ties more than one and shares them with the members. If you received one of Barry’s flies be sure to bring it to the Club Picnic next month and try your luck with one pound bluegills.

Barry Clarke
Barry Clarke
Barry Clarke At the Vise
Barry Clarke At the Vise





Since it is time to be fishing,  April was the last of the Official Club Meetings for the summer.  Official Club Meetings will resume in the fall. In case you get tired of fishing, information about Unofficial meetings will be made available soon. Next month will be the much anticipated HFF Club Picnic. Details will be coming soon.  Local water temperatures are rising fast and fish are moving and hungry, GO FISH!.

April Reminders

Tax day has come and gone, now we can give our attention to important matters. The next important matter is of course the next meeting of the HFF. The meeting will be April 21st at the Colorado Steakhouse. This month the program will be Mike Exl of Wildcat Creek Outfitters. He will be talking about Smallmouth fishing in Indiana.  (http://www.wildcatcreekoutfitters.com.)

The fly tying demo this month will be Barry Clarke tying an H and L variant.  There is a nice video on tying this pattern available at this address:

I am sure a number of us had hoped to be Wiper fishing at Monroe.  However, I checked the water level this morning and the lake is up by 8.7 ft. My guess is that would make wading a bit of a challenge. So much water and no room to put it down stream and it is supposed to rain again on Sunday.

Hope to see you all on the 21st at the Colorado Steakhouse. Dinner will be at 6:00 and the program will start at 7:00. Don’t forget 2015
Fishing License, State Park Pass and Trout Stamps are needed now. You can get park passes,permits and other great things on line at Mother Nature Mercantile, and Licenses at the DNR website. Look for the updated links to those websites under our list of Local Websites.
