Tag Archives: fly fishing

Official Unofficial September Meeting

The next official unofficial meeting will be Tuesday September 16th.

The October meeting will be the first Officially Official meeting of
the year. With that in mind, I hope to see you at the Colorado
Steakhouse at the 6:00 on Tuesday the 16th of September.

While I know this is an unofficial meeting and doesn’t have a program,  our friend Mike B. and I were talking about our 10 or even 5 favorite Smallmouth flies for the local streams. We would be very interested in a show and tell of your faves. To add to the fun, how about if you only could use one fly, what would it be? And, as neither of us is capable of linear thinking (or any clear thinking for that matter), the topic switched to what rod is best. Your ideas…

As is always the case, we are interested in ideas for programs of the
coming meetings. It is highly likely that one program will be devoted
to fly tying. What would you like to see? Someone in the club can tie
that fly and will be most happy to provide a step by step demo at a

So, see your all at the Colorado Steakhouse on September the 16th at 6:00 for dinner and conversation that is sure to lead to at least one epiphany fly fishing wise.

See you then and there,


Annual HFF Picnic

The annual HFF picnic was a big success again with several club members and families attending.  The weather was perfect, the fishing was fair, the food was great,  and Suzie and Barry were the perfect hosts.  Barry cooks up the best burgers and brats in the county and Buddy entertained us all with his endless energy and appetite for tennis balls.  It was a great day for the HFF Annual picnic outing, thanks Barry and Suzie for sharing your place with us.

Checkout a few pictures of the events.

The Hoosier Fly Fishers does not officially meet over the summer.  Our constitution mandates this schedule.  The reason for this pause in official business is the fact that we need to be fishing during the
summer, not attending meetings.  So it is just that simple, simply go
fishing.  However, if you miss our merry band of fly fishers, we will
meet unofficially on Tuesdays over the summer at the Colorado
Steakhouse.  Unofficial meetings will be June 17, July 15, August 19,
and September 16th.  Hope to see you all there.  Tall tales and useful
tips are in order.  The first officially official meeting of the fall
will be October 21st.

John Gierach has a new book, “All Fishermen Are Liars.” This will
certainly be some good summer reading!

Hope to see you all at the picnic,
