Tag Archives: fly fishing

March HFF Meeting Update

Well, for some of us at least, open water has made flyfishing possible
in some local hot spot. Mike B reports 57 Crappie, 21 Bluegill, 11
Yellow Bass and, 1 LM Bass. OK, so they were all small but that is
still 90 more fish than I have caught this year! So if you haven’t got
your 2014 fishing license yet (Indiana Online Licensing), this should
be motivation enough to do so. While you are at it get a State Park
pass as well (Mother Nature Mercantile).

Now about the HFF March 18th meeting. It is the annual auction and our own Kurnel Kevin will be the auctioneer again this year. Reports are that he is in fine fettle and ready to go. We need you all to bring really cool stuff you no longer need and spend a few bucks to take home really cool stuff someone else doesn’t need. Remember, he who has the most stuff at the end wins. There will be good deals to be had including flies tied by members and a new Cortland 444 4 wt. double tapered fly line.  Who knows what else, just be assured it will all be great and you need to own it. Bring stuff, bring money, have fun!!  Colorado Steakhouse, March 18th, dinner at 6:00 and program at 7:00.

And if the excitement of the auction were not enough, our own Larry
Brown will tie a streamer pattern he uses with great effect. He uses of that foil from wine and whiskey bottles for the weight. We should thank Larry for emptying all those bottles just to get some tying material. That is real dedication.

The April 15th meeting will feature Ian Anderson of Warm Water
Chronicles (http://warmwaterchronicles.com) and FlyMasters in Indy (http://www.flymasters.com) as the program. He will tell us all about spring White Bass fishing. Ian also teaches beginning and intermediate fly tying at FlyMasters and is a font of information about warm water flyfishing. If you haven’t already, check out the WWC site for Ian’s weekly tying tips. Good stuff there.


It’s March Time for Fishing License

Indiana Fishing Regulations and Licensing

IDNR Regulations 2014-2015
IDNR Regulations 2014-2015

The new Indiana Fishing Regulation Guide 2014-15 is available now. You can view the Guide in an interactive flash version at ERegulations website or you can go to the IDNR website to view a PDF version. Give them a look to see whats new or what you have forgotten about. Did you know, Catch-and-release applies to all inland trout streams from Jan.1 through April 14 (Brookville) and the opening day of trout season for inland streams in Indiana, other than Lake Michigan tributaries, is the last Saturday in April and runs through Dec.31. Brown trout minimum size limit for Brookville tailwater is 18 inches. Lake Michigan and it’s tributaries may have special regulations different from these so check before you go. Check the new 2014-2015 publication online for recent changes in fishing regulations, links to IDNR pages below.

Do you have your 2014 fishing license yet? The ones in your pocket run out the end of March, you might as well get your new ones now. It’s easy, do it online and print them out, sign them and then laminate them to keep them dry. If you loose your fishing license or they get damaged you can print a new copy at the IDNR website. You can add on hunting, trapping, and a trout and salmon stamp at the same time if you wish. Just follow directions on the website. If you use your drivers license information the interface fills in some of your information for you. Be sure and check mark the 2014 license and not the 2013.