Tag Archives: fly tying

HFF February Meeting

The next HFF meeting will be February 18th at the Colorado Steakhouse.   Dinner at 6:00 and the program starts at 7:00.  The program this month will be fly tying.  Several members, who and what exactly to be announced,  will be showing their skill at various techniques and patterns.  As I have in the past asked, cajoled, begged and pleaded, if there is a pattern or technique you would like to see,  let me or Mike Donovan know.  Someone in the club will know how.

On the tying front, we have made arrangements with JLWaters to use some of their space as a location to get together and tie flies, share ideas, and I suppose, bitch about the weather and brag about our fishing prowess.  We will have the space downstairs where the ski shop used to be, it is a nice space and a new wall offers some privacy.   Bring your own stuff and tools. This is also a good opportunity to buy some stuff from JLWaters.  I think it would be a good idea to bring an extra light.  So, see you all Saturday February 8th at 1:00 PM.  I am thinking of tying some simple yet very effective deer hair bugs. This is not a class or demo, just a chance to share.

Warm Water Cronicals
Warm Water Cronicals

I have mentioned the Warm Water Chronicles web site managed by Ian Anderson from Flymasters in Indy.  He is offer a new tying tip every Monday and Tip # 4 is all about dubbing.  Check his website for more Monday Tips. #5 is up now.

The Limp Cobra
The Limp Cobra

This is the best site on the subject of dubbing I have seen with tons of good pictures. Check it out here…

Even more tying information,  Jonathan will be teaching a beginning fly tying class on February 6th at 6:00 PM.   Check with JLWaters for details on Facebook,  JLWaters & Co

See you all at JLWaters on Saturday and Colorado Steakhouse on the 18th.
Stay warm>


HFF Meeting January

Some New Members
Some New Members

There was a good turn out for the January meeting at the Colorado Steakhouse.   Almost everyone came early for the great food they serve there.   After the meal,  club President Tim Mather introduced club Treasurer Barry Clark.   Barry gave a great presentation on fly rod selection and building fly rods.   There was great interest in the topic and lots of discussion about good fly rods vs great fly rods and how to tell the difference.   Barry also showed some of his great fly rods to demonstrate differences in fly rod components.   There was some interest in maybe having special fly rod building classes for club members in the future.   Thanks Barry!

Mike D tying a woven body nymph.
Mike D tying a woven body nymph.

Club Vice President,  Mike Donovan was in charge of the fly tying demonstration and showed how he ties a woven body nymph.   Mike chose red and black embroidery thread for the body and tied a great looking little fly.   Mike presented the fly to new club member Rowan seen in the picture.  Rowan and his dad Aaron are a great addition to the club.   Rowan also received a new fly box and some flies tied by club member Dick Powell who always donates his great flies for club functions.

Other new members in attendance were Tom Alwine,  Dave Warnsman,  and Jonathan Busse.   Jonathan is the fly guy at JL Waters Outfitters in downtown Bloomington.  Stop in and see him at the store on Fridays and Saturdays for fly fishing equipment and fly tying supplies or just to visit for a while.   The store will be featuring a beginning fly tying class coming up in February.   Check the calendar for that and other interesting events.   Anyone with an interest in fly fishing or fly tying is welcome to attend our meetings.   Check the calendar for the meeting dates and times.   We would be glad to see you there.

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