Tag Archives: lake monroe

October – November Meetings

The HFF October Meeting went well with a pretty good turn out for the meal and the meeting. There was a fair amount of fish tales going around during the meal. While I was in a heated discussion about how the summer fishing was on lake Monroe, I was able to hear some of the other conversations around the room. Some of the words I recall being uttered were, steelhead, smallie, wiper, walleye, salmon, one pound bluegills, and a rainbow. I’m not sure if the rainbow discussion was about the piscatorial type or an astrological phenomenon. At any rate, I’m sure they were all “keepers”.

After the short business meeting, Mike Donovan tied a few of his favorite traditional streamers. We tried to film the event to see if we can build a video library of the clubs favorite flies. We hope to have a page with fly tying videos on it soon.

Also, Charlie and Jeanne Shaw gave a presentation on their trip to Montana this past summer. What a great trip they had! The video and presentation was spectacular. Check out some of their photos in the gallery below. We hope to have more pictures and maybe a video of their adventure in the main gallery soon. Thanks, Charlie and Jeanne.

no images were found

The November meeting of the HFF will be on Tuesday the 21st.
As always, at the Colorado Steakhouse, dinner at 6:00 and the program at 7:00.

The program this month will be US… In a recent discussion with a friend it was suggested that it may be interesting to have the members bring some photos of their favorite place to fish. Where is that place and why is it your favorite place, what did you catch and on what fly? Is this magic place near and familiar or far away and exotic?

Dick Powell will be doing the tying demo. I am thinking it may be a Frank Sawyers Pheasant Tail (wire instead of thread). I am looking forward to this…

The Christmas party will be December 10th at the Colorado Steakhouse. Stay tuned for details.

Stay warm,


HFF Members Christmas Party

Hope you are all having a good day. I am watching the Green Bay game and some ugly white stuff is falling out of the sky. The older I get, the less I think winter is any kind of a Wonderland.

On a happy note, the Annual HFF Christmas Party is only a week away.

December 11th at 11:00AM at the Colorado Steakhouse in Bloomington. As is always the case, there will be an outstanding raffle prize for members. It’ll be a wonderful surprise raffle prize. So bring a few extra bucks and hope you can take home yet another treasure. The club will provide the meal and non-alcoholic beverages for the members and a guest. If you want a seasonally appropriate adult beverage, that is on you.

Looking forward to seeing you all for a good time and some tales of successful fishing adventures from this past year. See you on December 11th at 11:00 at the Colorado Steakhouse.

Stay warm and dry,



FISH REPORT:  It is rumored that a select few anglers are still catching a variety of fish on flies. A few BIG fish have been reported too. Find a warm spot and go fish before the colder temperatures are upon us, you might be surprised. The fish in Lake Monroe don’t know it’s cold yet. Go Fish!