Tag Archives: One Pound Bluegills

Annual HFF Picnic 2023

It is time for the annual HFF picnic. This year it will be on June 3rd. And again, Susie and Barry Clarke have generously offered to host us at their Lake Lemon home. We will get started at 11:00ish and eat about 12:30. As always, the club will provide burgers, hot dogs, buns, chip sand some drinks. If you wish an “appropriate adult beverage” that is up to you. You all will bring your typical outstanding side dishes. So that we will have enough burgers and dogs. please let Barry know if you are planning on joining us for the fun…

Here is a thought…The Clarke’s house is at Lake Lemon…Lakes have water and water has fish and we catch fish…if only there was  a good Bluegill fly  for Lake Lemon…

Looking forward to seeing everyone on June 3rd for yet another fun filled picnic and perhaps even a few 1 lb. Bluegill to brag about.  Bring a rod and stuff………….Tim

A few pictures of fun stuff at previous HFF picnics.

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Upcoming HFF Meetings and Reminders

A little reminder about the upcoming HFF meeting this coming Tuesday February 21st.

The program for this meeting will be how to arrange/select the contents of a fly box for a species or location. In spite of the weather outside today, it will not be long before we can all actually use all those flies we have been tying all winter. This will be a good chance to talk about what flies to take when and where.  The tying demo has changed as Paul Brown has Covid and although he is more than willing to share his knowledge about fly ting, he has no interest in sharing Covid with all of us. Good call Mr. Brown. Instead, I will tie a Midnight Mullet, a good simple streamer for Smallies and Wipers.

As mentioned before, there is a schedule change coming up for March. We will be holding the Annual Auction this March rather than the usual April. As usual Kernal Kevin will be exercising his dulcet tones to part us and a few bucks. This year we are going to divide profits from the auction 50/50 with the Healing Waters and Casting for Recovery groups. So, gather up all your very useful fishing and outdoor related items to donate to the auction. And I might add bring a few extra bucks to buy some of the very useful stuff that will be up for sale….

The April meeting will feature some important information about Lake Monroe. Members of the friends of Lake Monroe, science committee, Howard Webb and Maggie Sullivan, will present information about the Friends of Lake Monroe group, their purpose and the work they are doing and propose to do to keep Lake Monroe waters clean and useful. Howard has revisited some of the work that the Hoosier Flyfishers did to map out the depth of Yellowwood Lake. He will explain how he proposes to do a similar study of Lake Monroe. Howard uses a far more advanced set of electronics and procedures than we did to study Yellowwood. 

See you all there on Tuesday at the Legion. Dinner at 6:00 and Program at 7:00PM.

Stay warm, Tim