Tag Archives: raffle

December 2024 HFF Christmas Party

The Hoosier Fly Fishers annual Christmas party will be December 15th at 12:00 and once again will be at the Red Lobster Restaurant In Bloomington this year.The raffle this year will include a Larry Barber fly rod with a reel and line.This year each member and their significant other will receive a $25 certificate for the meal. As always, this does not include adult beverages. Again it is very important that you let Barbara Hatton know how many of you are planning to attend. We need a good head count so please let Barb know at the meeting or drop her a note.

HFF Christmas Party 2022

The Hoosier Fly Fishers annual Christmas Party is coming up this December 10th! And again, this year we will be having the gala event at the Red Lobster here in Bloomington. The fun will begin at 11:00 AM and continue ‘til 1:00 PM. This year the raffle will be an 8 ft. 7 wt. rod, reel with line and a spare spool. This rod was built by our own Brandon Hudson on the last of the club owned rod blank…what a deal! Each paid member and their wife or significant other will each receive $20 gift card to cover the meal. Looking forward to seeing everyone for this fun filled send off to the Holiday Season.

Please RSVP for reservations.